Exterior Painting
We have been painting home and business exteriors in Orange County for decades. If you want high quality work from a company that is fast and reliable, look no further.
Interior Painting
We have painted the interiors of thousands of homes in and around Orange County. We are your greater Orange County area experts!
Wood Repair and Drywall Texture- Its all about the prep
The key to a high quality job is the preparations taken before the painting begins. We are meticulous when it comes to wood repair and drywall texturing.
Orange County Painting Contractor
We are a fully licensed and insurance painting contractor serving the greater Orange County area. When it comes to a high quality painting job or residential or commercial, Davis Painting has to covered (pun intented).
We have thousands of happy past clients and hope to make you another one of our clients for life.
References given upon request.
Call, Text, email for a Free Quote
Contact us today to set up an appointment for a free quote. No job is too big or too small. If you need painting, you've found the #1 painting contractor in Orange County. Call us, text us, or email us today!